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The Business Environment | Worthington, Ian; Britton, Chris; Thompson, Ed

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A deep dive into the internal and external environments in which a business operates today. The Business Environment: A Global Perspective, 9th Edition, by Thompson, Worthington and Britton offers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to how local and international business environments operate. Employing a PESTLE model which is relevant to all industries, this best-selling textbook takes you through contexts, types of organisation and markets, dealing with contemporary issues in socioeconomic, political and legal structures. The new edition offers a clear explanation of economics such as why the prices of the things you buy might go up or down, or why employment might be harder or easier to find at any given time. New chapters on the global Covid-19 pandemic and de-globalising factors, including Brexit, give an all-round perspective on how factors influence one another, and convey the complexity of the business environment. The wealth of contemporary case studies from local and international organisations, helps you put theory into practice.


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Alte Schulstraße 35, 40789 Monheim am Rhein


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