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Political Stability | Kumar, Suresh

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This book throws light on the formation of political state, political power, formation of power, political stability and instability. Which organization of human life stands as a political power and forms the state? What are the characteristics of the state? To what extent does the state control the life of the individual? To what level can the state create liberty and authority for the individual? Which state will increase the freedom of a person's life and which state will reduce the freedom? What is political stability and instability? What is political struggle? To what level can a state be secular? Are religious struggles only religious? What is the limit of cooperation and struggle in life? What is the breadth and narrowness of societies? What is freedom? What is the fullness of life? What is the perfection of humanity? What is perfection?


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Alte Schulstraße 35, 40789 Monheim am Rhein


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Samstag 08:30-14:00
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