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Music Teacher Identities | Bucura, Elizabeth

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Based on findings of an in-depth social phenomenological study, this book describes the experiences of music teachers, whose careers are rich, complex, and multi-faceted. Stories of their professional enactments contribute rich considerations in music teacher identity discourse and to the construction of their professional selves. Analysis revealed an overall sense of professional self and various degrees of three role-taking selves: performing, teaching, and musical. Findings suggest that an active, purposeful construction of consociate relationships can support a balanced, reconciled conception of self, which promotes flexibility within and among structures of the lifeworld and profession. Individuals' social worlds are highlighted in terms of ways they shape social and professional worlds. With a wide view of who music teachers are and what they do, this book reveals insights to the supports needed to enact a long, satisfying career. 


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Alte Schulstraße 35, 40789 Monheim am Rhein


Montag 08:30-18:30
Dienstag 08:30-18:30
Mittwoch 08:30-18:30
Donnerstag 08:30-18:30
Freitag 08:30-18:30
Samstag 08:30-14:00
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