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Crumbs from the Master's Table | Edwards, Kevin

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More than a book, Crumbs from the Master's Table is an anthology of insights, written to awaken the most torpid heart. With simplicity and originality, this work brings the reader face to face with imminent transformation and inevitable enlightenment. In a poetic and paradoxical style, the author invites the reader to grow in awareness and to be transformed by the renewal of his or her mind. A thought provoking and enjoyable read, Crumbs from the Master's Table is a challenging journey into the heart of mystical life. Aside from true substance, the following pages offer a poetic presentation of timeless teachings and short commentaries that render this book invaluable. Keep this book as your constant companion and let the insights within fall like seeds on the good ground of your heart. Steal away with these treasures to a place of quiet, and discover for yourself what is real wealth.


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Alte Schulstraße 35, 40789 Monheim am Rhein


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